Absolute geospatial accuracy model for remote sensing without surveyed control points

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United States of America Patent

PATENT NO 11676256
APP PUB NO 20220405906A1





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Estimating absolute geospatial accuracy in input images without the use of surveyed control points is disclosed. For example, the absolute geospatial accuracy of a satellite images may be estimated without the use of control points (GCPs). The absolute geospatial accuracy of the input images may be estimated based on a statistical measure of relative accuracies between pairs of overlapping images. The estimation of the absolute geospatial accuracy may include determining a root mean square error of the relative accuracies between pairs of overlapping images. For example, the absolute geospatial accuracy of the input images may be estimated by determining a root mean square error of the shears of respective pairs of overlapping images. The estimated absolute geospatial accuracy may be used to curate GCPs, evaluate a digital elevation map, generate a heatmap, or determine whether the adjust the images until a target absolute geospatial accuracy is met.

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Patent Owner(s)


International Classification(s)


Inventor Name Address # of filed Patents Total Citations
Bleiler, Laurence C Denver, US 4 20
Hartung, Steven F Boulder, US 10 223
Schickler, Wolfgang Golden, US 9 73
Swanson, Nathan Erie, US 12 21

Cited Art Landscape

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Forward Cite Landscape

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