Wearable data communication apparatus, kits, methods, and systems

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United States of America Patent

PATENT NO 11934583
APP PUB NO 20230273684A1





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A data communication apparatus comprising: a plurality of data communication devices comprising a sensor operable to output contextual data associated with a wearer, a plurality of haptic energy generators operable to output a haptic energy toward skin of the wearer, and a control system operable to maintain a data feedback loop with the wearer by causing the plurality of haptic energy generators to output the haptic energy responsive to one of the contextual data and an external data source in data communication with the control system; an electrical network operable to transmit data and power between the plurality of data communication devices; and a wearable structure comprising a biocompatible material shaped to house the plurality of data communication devices and the electrical network, maintain a plurality of air gaps between the plurality of data communication devices, and define a skin contacting surface that is directly engageable with the skin.

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Leaper, Matthew Robert Omaha, US 8 10

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3.5 Year Payment $1600.00 $800.00 $400.00 Sep 19, 2027
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