Control surface with a touchscreen for editing surround sound

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United States of America Patent

PATENT NO 7698009
APP PUB NO 20070100482A1





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A control surface for an audio processing system that performs surround sound panning includes a touchscreen in combination with one or more other input devices. The touchscreen displays the position and movement of sound according to inputs from the various input devices or from recorded control information. An operator can input position information through the touchscreen or through one or more other input devices. The control surface may include two complete, separate panning sections. Each panning section may include the touchscreen, input devices, and switches. The touchscreen may also provide switches that change function based on the state of the other switches in the panning section. The separate panning sections can be linked together, for example to process stereo tracks. An “autoglide” operation enables an operator to move the location of a sound along a fixed path between a start location and a destination location over a time period set by the operator.

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Inventor Name Address # of filed Patents Total Citations
Cotey, Stan Pacifica, US 1 22
Dysart, Aidan San Francisco, US 1 22
Kashiwa, Gannon Denver, US 1 22

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