System and method for rendering differential video on graphical displays

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United States of America Patent

PATENT NO 11936883
APP PUB NO 20230016473A1





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A differential video rendering system, including a graphics processing unit (GPU); a graphical display coupled to the GPU; a video decoder configured to decode a bitstream of encoded data into a plurality of sets of decoded blocks; at least one processor configured to: generate, based on a first set of the plurality of sets of decoded blocks, a first differential video frame comprising a plurality of sets of differential regions, normalize each set of the plurality of sets of differential regions to a fixed size block to provide a normalized plurality of sets of differential regions, map a respective set of the normalized plurality of sets of differential regions to align with a respective tile size region of a plurality of tile size regions conforming with the GPU, generate a hierarchal region tree based on the normalized plurality of sets of differential regions mapped to the plurality of tile size regions, and generate a plurality of optimal regions based on the hierarchal region tree satisfying a predefined criteria corresponding to a pre-defined optimal number of regions and a predefined efficiency parameter; and a graphics rendering engine configured to render the first differential video frame on the graphical display based on the plurality of optimal regions and a group of differential regions.

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Inventor Name Address # of filed Patents Total Citations
Aggarwal, Harsh Noida, IN 3 0
Kaur, Daljeet Noida, IN 4 14
Kumar, Ashish Noida, IN 161 784
Panwar, Sumit Noida, IN 3 4

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