Electric vehicle charger and related methods

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United States of America Patent

PATENT NO 11932134
APP PUB NO 20230113732A1





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An electric vehicle charger includes a power supply and a controller. The power supply is for supplying electric power over a charging connection to an electric vehicle. The charging connection employs charging conductors to supply electric power from the power supply to the electric vehicle for charging. The power supply is adapted to send data to and receive data from the electric vehicle over the charging conductors according to a power-line communications protocol. The controller coupled to the power supply to control supply of electric power to the electric vehicle, The controller is adapted to, prior to initiating supply of electric power by the power supply to the electric vehicle for charging, communicate with the electric vehicle to identify a payment method associated with the electric vehicle and with the payment network to authorize the payment method for payment for electric power supplied to the electric vehicle for charging.

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Patent Owner(s)


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Inventor Name Address # of filed Patents Total Citations
Dunjic, Milos Oakville, CA 158 719
Joheb, Asad Toronto, CA 21 17
Lalka, Vipul Kishore Oakville, CA 49 255
Raveenthran, Ravivarma Toronto, CA 2 3

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