Frame for band conveying devices

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United States of America Patent

PATENT NO 4877127





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There is provided, for the improvement of single part inventory and shipment as well as easing the handling in the production and/or assembly of a frame for band conveying devices, the frame formed from longitudinal beams held together by cross beams. The longitudinal beams of which in each case are formed as sections open towards the conveying device with outer web and top web extending away from its upper end, with as few single parts as possible and without cost-intensive connection elements and which have adequate load-bearing capacity yet provide significant weight reduction simply, quickly and conveniently in the manufacturing plant for delivery ready assembled or at the site of use despite universality to a very large extent with regard to the most widely differing conveying width and length and different load-bearing capacity properties from sections of the simplest possible, and accordingly most inexpensive cross-sectional contouring. The longitudinal beam sections possess according to the invention in each case at the free end of their top web a connection flange extending away downwards and both longitudinal beam sections are connected with one another by a distance piece formed as a U or a C section. The two side or edge webs of the distance piece away from its central web approximately complementarily to the adjoining longitudinal beam section connection flange are in each case connected with this.

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Geppert, Helmut Niederfeld 12, D-5162 Niederzier-Krauthausen, DE 15 250

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