Automatic screwdriving system for connection of components

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United States of America Patent

PATENT NO 11786996
APP PUB NO 20220258292A1





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The screwdriving system for connection of components that require high contact pressures for their screw connection, having a screwdriving unit which is connected to an articulated robot, wherein the screwdriving unit contains a motor for the rotary drive, an actuator for the linear drive, a gear mechanism, a torque shaft, a tool holder for a screwdriving tool and a feed head which is supplied with screws, which are held in the feed head during the screwing-in operation, the tool holder, the screwdriving tool and the feed head being arranged on a common screw axis, includes an articulated bearing arrangement, the pivoting of which is able to compensate for a deflection of a robot axis of the articulated robot caused by contact pressures and for a tilted position of the screwdriving unit resulting therefrom.

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International Classification(s)


Inventor Name Address # of filed Patents Total Citations
Kornelsen, Artur Wolfratshausen, DE 1 0
Stöger, Lorenz Königsdorf, DE 2 2

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