Semiconductor structures and methods of fabricating semiconductor structures comprising hafnium oxide modified with lanthanum, a lanthanide-series metal, or a combination thereof

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United States of America Patent

PATENT NO 7141857





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Semiconductor structures and processes for fabricating semiconductor structures comprising hafnium oxide layers modified with lanthanum oxide or a lanthanide-series metal oxide are provided. A semiconductor structure in accordance with an embodiment of the invention comprises an amorphous layer of hafnium oxide overlying a substrate. A lanthanum-containing dopant or a lanthanide-series metal-containing dopant is comprised within the amorphous layer of hafnium oxide. The process comprises growing an amorphous layer of hafnium oxide overlying a substrate. The amorphous layer of hafnium oxide is doped with a dopant having the chemical formulation LnO.sub.x, where Ln is lanthanum, a lanthanide-series metal, or a combination thereof, and X is any number greater than zero. The doping step may be performed during or after growth of the amorphous layer of hafnium oxide.

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Inventor Name Address # of filed Patents Total Citations
Curless, Jay A Phoenix, AZ 12 142
Demkov, Alexander Austin, TX 3 25
Liang, Yong Gilbert, AZ 103 366
Navrotsky, Alexandra Davis, CA 2 32
Nguyen, Bich-Yen Austin, TX 149 4453
Ushakov, Sergey Davis, CA 2 11
Yu, Zhiyi Gilbert, AZ 47 1494

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