Transferring selected open browser tabs from a host computer to a client computer

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United States of America Patent

PATENT NO 7860956
APP PUB NO 20100198918A1





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A method, system, and computer program product for transferring selected open browser tabs from a host computer to a client computer. The method includes copying a selected number of hyperlink addresses from a plurality of hyperlink addresses associated with a plurality of selected open browser tabs in a first browser of the host computer. A hyperlink import module of the client computer is activated for transferring the copied hyperlink addresses from the host computer. Before the transfer can occur, the client computer is authenticated. After authentication, the user of the client computer selects a subset of the copied hyperlink addresses from the host computer. Only the subset of the copied hyperlink addresses is transferred from the host computer to the client computer. The client user opens the subset of the copied hyperlink addresses in a second browser of the client computer for displaying.

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Sundararajan, Meena Austin, US 2 8

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