Image processing apparatus and image processing method

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United States of America Patent

PATENT NO 11972591
APP PUB NO 20220262029A1





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In an image processing apparatus 100, an image acquiring portion 11 acquires image information. A position acquiring portion 12 acquires an image capturing position and an image capturing direction of the image information. An image-capturing propriety information acquiring portion 13 acquires image-capturing propriety information indicating that a position of an information terminal 200 corresponds to image-capturing propriety setting information. An image editing portion 14 performs a masking process to a range based on the information terminal 200 in the image information acquired by the image acquiring portion 11, in accordance with image-capturing propriety setting information of the image-capturing propriety information indicating that the position of the information terminal 200 in the image-capturing propriety information corresponds to the image capturing range based on the image capturing position and the image capturing direction acquired by the position acquiring portion 12.

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Inventor Name Address # of filed Patents Total Citations
Takashimizu, Satoru Kyoto, JP 33 242
Yoshizawa, Kazuhiko Kyoto, JP 230 802

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