Cap and neck unit for fluid dispenser

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United States of America Patent

PATENT NO 4412634





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A cap and neck unit having a vertical neck with interconnected upper and lower sections. The lower section defines a first hollow vertical cylinder having a closed top end with a central circular opening. The upper section defines a second hollow vertical cylinder open at its upper and lower ends. The lower end is coincident with the central opening. The outer surface of said first cylinder has a single continuous endless groove which has upper and lower horizontal regions interconnected by inclined regions. A cap has a top and a vertical interior chamber extending downwardly from the top and terminating in a hollow cylindrical region open at bottom and disposed concentrically about the neck. The region has an iwnardly extending horizontal prong engaging said groove. The cap is rotatable between a first position at which the prong engages the lower horizontal region and a second position at which the prong engages the upper horizontal region. A sealing device is secured to the top to close the upper end when the cap is in the first position and leave the upper end open when the cap is in its second position.

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Bennett, Robert A 170 Sturbridge Rd., Easton, CT 06425 47 642

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