Thermally conductive, metal-based bandages to aid in medical healing and methods of use

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United States of America Patent

PATENT NO 8530720
APP PUB NO 20130030341A1





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The inventive disclosure contained herein is generally directed to a class of medical bandages that in many embodiments are effective in the treatment of various types of tissue burns, whether be burns due to thermal burns, sun exposure, or rashes. Such products can include a plurality of specialized bandages and wraps that incorporate an extremely thin layer of thermally conductive metal (often aluminum) at the base of a substrate adapted to be in direct contact with a burn wound, while manufacturing the top side of the aluminum substrate to have a heat-dissipation-enhancing topography to help cool burns faster by enhancing thermal-convection properties. The bandage can also feature a thermochromic indicator for users to realize the thermal-cooling status of a burn to which a bandage has been applied.

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Inventor Name Address # of filed Patents Total Citations
Freer, Carl J Aspen, US 11 82
Freer, Ericka S Aspen, US 3 29
Wyles, Terrence M Aurora, US 3 29

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