Multi-ported nonvolatile memory device with bank allocation and related systems and methods

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United States of America Patent

PATENT NO 11449441
APP PUB NO 20210349839A1





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A memory device that includes a first port and a second port. The first port includes a first clock input, at least one first command address input, and at least one data input or output configured to transfer data in relation to the memory device. The second port includes a second clock input and at least one command, address, and data input/output (I/O) configured to receive command and address information from, and to transfer data in relation to the memory device. The memory device also includes a plurality of memory banks, in which two different memory banks may be accessed respectively by the first and the second ports concurrently. Other embodiments of the memory device and related methods and systems are also disclosed.

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Inventor Name Address # of filed Patents Total Citations
Betser, Yoram Mazkeret Batya, IL 40 347
Danon, Kobi Te-Aviv, IL 13 750
Rochman, Amir Tel-aviv, IL 8 9
Rosner, Stephan Campbell, US 50 477
Zitlaw, Cliff San Jose, US 38 237

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