Corrosion protection in tubing used chromatography

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United States of America Patent

PATENT NO 10232287
APP PUB NO 20150048015A1





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An apparatus for use in a liquid chromatography system includes a chromatography port and a tubing assembly having a chromatography tube coupled at one end to the chromatography port. The end of the tube has an end face covered with a corrosion-resistant material, for example, gold. The corrosion-resistant nature of the material protects the end of the tube from corrosion or erosion, which improves the quality and reliability of a seal between the end face of the tube and a sealing surface of the port. Alternatively, or in addition to covering the end face of the tube with the corrosion-resistant material, a gasket covered with or made of the corrosion-resistant material can be disposed between the end face of the tube and the port. This gasket extends the reach of the tube to facilitate bottoming out the tube within the port.

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Patent Owner(s)


International Classification(s)


Inventor Name Address # of filed Patents Total Citations
Berthiaume, Eugene Cumberland, US 2 22
Joudrey, Kurt D Chelmsford, US 15 49
Keenan, Paul Harrisville, US 17 48
Luongo, Joseph A Walpole, US 23 212
McCormick, Daniel J Westford, US 28 128
Trudeau, Steven D Webster, US 11 32

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