Semiconductor laser with integral spatial mode filter

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United States of America Patent

PATENT NO 5703897





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A semiconductor laser having a light amplifying diode heterostructure body having a single spatial mode aperture region or waveguide and a flared or tapered gain region having a narrow input end and wider output end provided in a resonant cavity, a portion of which cavity may be external of the body. The flared gain region has a narrow aperture end and a wide output end with narrow aperture end optically coupled to a single mode waveguide. A saturable aborbing region is formed as part of the single mode waveguide region and not between it and the flared gain section, and is reverse biased to provide for mode locked operation. The flared gain region and waveguide may be differentially pumped or modulated with current provided by separate contacts, and the flared gain region may be divided into one or more flared gain sections which may be differentially or separately pumped.

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Inventor Name Address # of filed Patents Total Citations
Mehuys, David G Menlo Park, CA 27 1020
Scifres, Donald R San Jose, CA 131 5231
Welch, David F Palo Alto, CA 176 6314

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