Biosensor utilizing a resonator having a functionalized surface

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United States of America Patent

PATENT NO 9267944
APP PUB NO 20150125965A1





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Systems and methods for detecting the presence of biomolecules in a sample using biosensors that incorporate resonators which have functionalized surfaces for reacting with target biomolecules. In one embodiment, a device includes a piezoelectric resonator having a functionalized surface configured to react with target molecules, thereby changing the mass and/or charge of the resonator which consequently changes the frequency response of the resonator. The resonator's frequency response after exposure to a sample is compared to a reference, such as the frequency response before exposure to the sample, a stored baseline frequency response or a control resonator's frequency response.

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Inventor Name Address # of filed Patents Total Citations
Berlin, Andrew San Jose, US 38 1639
Ma, Qing Saratoga, US 240 7120
Rao, Valluri Saratoga, US 90 1898
Wang, Li-Peng San Jose, US 81 1038
Yamakawa, Mineo Campbell, US 93 1961
Zhang, Yuegang Cupertino, US 88 2284

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