Method for precoding using a block diagonal matrix

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United States of America Patent

PATENT NO 9300379
APP PUB NO 20140185698A1





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An objective problem of the invention is to provide a mechanism for improving the performance of a radio access network. According to a first aspect of the present invention, the object is achieved by a method in a first node for adapting a multi-antenna transmission to a second node over an effective channel. The first node and the second node are comprised in a wireless communication system. The method comprises the steps of obtaining at least one symbol stream and determining a precoding matrix having a block diagonal structure. The method comprises the further steps of precoding the at least one symbol stream with the determined precoding matrix, and transmitting the at least one precoded symbol stream over the effective channel to the second node.

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Inventor Name Address # of filed Patents Total Citations
Göransson, Bo Sollentuna, SE 144 1000
Jöngren, George Sundbyberg, SE 236 3231

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