Optical filter, analytical instrument, optical apparatus, and method of manufacturing optical filter

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United States of America Patent

PATENT NO 8512492
APP PUB NO 20110222159A1





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An optical filter according to the invention includes: first and second substrates opposed to each other; first and second reflecting films provided to the first and second substrates; first and second bonding films provided to the first and second substrates; and first and second barrier films disposed on surfaces of the first and second reflecting films, wherein the first barrier film has a transmittance of ozone lower than a transmittance of ozone the first reflecting film has, and the second barrier film has a transmittance of ozone lower than a transmittance of ozone the second reflecting film has. Accordingly, the reflecting films are protected from ozone or ultraviolet radiation during the manufacturing process of the optical filter and thereby the optical filter characteristics is prevented from being deteriorated.

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Inventor Name Address # of filed Patents Total Citations
Yamazaki, Seiji Fujimi, JP 36 441

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