Joint shaft structure and horizontal articulated robot

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United States of America Patent

PATENT NO 11697202
APP PUB NO 20190105786A1





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A joint shaft structure includes: a base member; an output shaft member supported on one side of the base member so as to be rotatable; and a strain wave gear reducer rotating the shaft member relative to the base member by transmitting rotation of a motor to the shaft member while reducing the speed of the rotation. The reducer includes: a wave generator fixed to a shaft rotated by a driving force from the motor; a flexspline having, at one end, an elastic part which includes a plurality of external teeth and inside which the generator is fitted; and a ring gear disposed on a radially outer side of the flexspline and fixed to the shaft member, and having internal teeth meshing with the external teeth. The flexspline is fixed to the base member at the other end disposed farther on the base member side than the elastic part.

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Inventor Name Address # of filed Patents Total Citations
Yamashiro, Hikaru Yamanashi, JP 23 172

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