Performance profile for network stack components

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United States of America Patent

PATENT NO 11777822
APP PUB NO 20230179497A1





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A computing device is provided, including a processor configured to receive a selection of a performance profile of a plurality of performance profiles. The performance profile may indicate a performance variable goal state for a first network stack component included in a network stack of a plurality of network stack components. In response to receiving the selection of the performance profile, the processor may be further configured to control a network performance parameter of the first network stack component such that a performance variable of the first network stack component approaches the performance variable goal state. The processor may be further configured to transmit, to an additional network stack component of the plurality of network stack components, instructions to control an additional network performance parameter of the additional network stack component such that the performance variable of the first network stack component approaches the performance variable goal state.

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International Classification(s)


Inventor Name Address # of filed Patents Total Citations
Cuomo,, Jr Daniel Frederick Woodinville, US 4 1
Srinivasan, Harish Sammamish, US 21 264
To, Khoa Anh Redmond, US 5 7

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