Device and method for laser cutting of aluminum alloy wheel blank burrs

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United States of America Patent

PATENT NO 10279432
APP PUB NO 20170120388A1





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The present invention provides a device and method for laser cutting of aluminum alloy wheel blank burrs. The device includes a wheel hub lifting and locking mechanism and one or more groups of lasers mounted to a moving mechanism, and the moving mechanism comprises vertical guide columns (8) and horizontal guide columns (10) mounted to the vertical guide columns (8). During use, the device of the present invention can realize the function of online cutting of wheel burrs, thereby improving work efficiency and reducing manual labor, and the device has the characteristics of high cutting precision, rounded and burr-free cutting parts, stable performances, high degree of automation and the like.

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Inventor Name Address # of filed Patents Total Citations
Dai, Chuan Qinhuangdao, CN 7 7
Li, Dengyao Qinhuangdao, CN 6 8
Liu, Xiao Qinhuangdao, CN 163 407
Luo, Fengbao Qinhuangdao, CN 7 8
Zhou, Ruixiao Qinhuangdao, CN 12 11

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