Light emitting device, vehicle headlamp, illumination device, and vehicle

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United States of America Patent

PATENT NO 9625121
APP PUB NO 20120140504A1





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A headlamp 1 includes (i) a laser element 2 for emitting a laser beam, (ii) a light emitting section 4, including a sealing material made from an inorganic material, for emitting fluorescence upon receiving the laser beam emitted from the laser element 2, and (iii) a heat sink 7 for releasing, via a contact surface of the heat sink 7 which contact surface is in contact with the light emitting section 4, heat generated in the light emitting section 4 in response to the laser beam emitted onto the light emitting section 4, the light emitting section 4 existing within a range which is determined on the basis of the contact surface and with which desired heat releasing efficiency is obtained.

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Patent Owner(s)


International Classification(s)


Inventor Name Address # of filed Patents Total Citations
Fukai, Yasuo Osaka, JP 8 106
Maemura, Yosuke Osaka, JP 28 348
Takahashi, Koji Osaka, JP 619 8491
Takahira, Yoshiyuki Osaka, JP 57 736
Tomomura, Yoshitaka Osaka, JP 28 485

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7.5 Year Payment $3600.00 $1800.00 $900.00 Oct 18, 2024
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