Engine running at fixed speed incorporated controllable transmission power system

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United States of America Patent

PATENT NO 7479091





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A power system of controllable transmission incorporated with an engine running at fixed speed that controls the engine to run at a fixed speed or approaching a fixed speed within an rpm range with higher BSFC (braking specific fuel consumption) when the engine is started up from static status and in the accelerated drive from low rpm, the output end of the engine drives to achieve active control of the controllable front-end gearbox that is capable of executing variable or invariable gear shift so to activate the output end to execute accelerated drive output from low to high rpm; meanwhile, in the course of start-up and acceleration from lower to high rpm and in driving operation, the engine runs in an rpm range with higher BSFC for saving fuel.

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Yang, Tai-Her No. 59, Chung Hsing 8 St. 672 7601

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