Methods and systems for guiding the acquisition of ultrasound images

Number of patents in Portfolio can not be more than 2000

United States of America

PATENT NO 10531858
APP PUB NO 20090024030A1





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A method of presenting a suggested path for an ultrasound probe along a patient's surface includes obtaining a three-dimensional, non-ultrasound image of the patient and an ultrasound image of the patient. A treatment area is defined within the within the three-dimensional, non-ultrasound image, and using the images, defining a scanning site contour of an anatomical structure of interest within the patient and an external contour of the patient's surface. A preferred path of the ultrasound scan is projected onto the external contour such that an operator can reproduce the ultrasound scan without knowledge of the anatomical structure of interest.

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Inventor Name Address # of filed Patents Total Citations
Falco, Tony La Prairie, CA 29 685
Lachaine, Martin Montreal, CA 16 559

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