Image forming apparatus and method adjusting image forming positions on first and second sides of recording medium depending on adhesion amounts based on reading test charts

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United States of America Patent

PATENT NO 11178290





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An image forming apparatus includes an image forming unit to perform an image forming process of forming a plurality of test charts having different adhesion amounts of an image forming material on a recording medium. The image forming process includes a transfer process of transferring the image forming material to image forming positions on the recording medium. The image forming apparatus further includes an image reading unit, circuitry, and a storage unit. The image reading unit reads each of the plurality of test charts. The circuitry calculates adjustment values for adjusting images formed at the image forming positions on a first side and a second side of the recording medium depending on adhesion amounts of the image forming material on the first side and the second side based on a reading result of the plurality of test charts by the image reading unit. The storage unit stores the adjustment values.

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Sekita, Daiki Kanagawa, JP 5 28

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