Combined water filtration system for enhancing drinking water properties for human health

Number of patents in Portfolio can not be more than 2000

United States of America

PATENT NO 11993529
APP PUB NO 20220073397A1





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A water filtration system for producing filtrated drinking water having increased persistence of free hydrogen, pH and ORP level, includes a pre-filtration device having an inlet terminal configured for being connected with a water source and an outlet terminal; the water filtration system being characterized in further comprising a far-Infrared, fIR, filtration device having an inlet terminal in connection with the outlet terminal of the pre-filtration device and an outlet terminal; and an elemental hydrogen releasing device having an inlet terminal in connection with the outlet terminal of the fIR filtration device and an outlet terminal, the elemental hydrogen releasing device configured for utilizing a reaction between elemental magnesium, Mg, or a magnesium mineral and water flowing there through and configured for releasing free hydrogen and Mg2+ ions to water flowing there through with a Mg2+ release rate in the range from 20 to 40 mg/l of Mg2+ ions.

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Inventor Name Address # of filed Patents Total Citations
Dus, Ivan Muggia, IT 1 0
Hill, Daniel Neustadt, DE 35 352

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