Method of manufacturing a semiconductor component

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United States of America Patent

PATENT NO 8802564





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A method of manufacturing a semiconductor component includes the steps of manufacturing of a wafer, applying structures of components on the wafer to form a wafer assembly, applying a metal coating on the wafer, removing the metal coating in non-contact areas of the components, applying surrounds on the edge areas of the components, arranging the wafer on a foil held by a clamping ring, separating the components of the wafer compound carried by the foil from one another, arranging a covering mask on the areas of the separated components carried by the foil which are not to be coated, applying a metal coating on the separate components covered with the mask, removal of the mask, and removal of the components from the foil and further processing the separate components wherein that applying a metal coating on the separate components covered by the mask takes place by means of thermal spraying.

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Inventor Name Address # of filed Patents Total Citations
Eisele, Ronald Surendorf, DE 42 145
Kock, Mathias Gokels, DE 6 21

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