Bound document having binding strip with spacer

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United States of America Patent

PATENT NO 8870228
APP PUB NO 20140084574A1





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A bound document has front, back, and interior sheets with spine edges. The document has a binding strip and fasteners binding the sheets and the binding strip together. The strip has a flexible substrate with a face-attachment portion through which the fasteners are driven, and a wraparound portion that is bent so adhesive on the wraparound portion contacts the back sheet farther from the spine edge of the book than the feet of the fasteners. The strip also has a first spacer affixed to the interior surface opposite the face-attachment portion so that a fastener area is defined, the spacer at least as thick as the protrusion of the heads of the fasteners above the face-attachment portion.

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Inventor Name Address # of filed Patents Total Citations
No, Young Pittsford, US 33 317
Schulze-Hagenest, Detlef Molfsee, DE 60 238

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