Telemanagement system with single point of entry

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United States of America Patent

PATENT NO 6473504
APP PUB NO 20020080945A1





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A telecommunication management system drawn to configuring a Service Provider telemanagement program module by a client application, where the Service Provider supports multiple systems, the method steps comprise sending a request for Service Provider version information from the client application to a Service Provider; sending version information back to the client application from the Service Provider indicating a multiple system support; sending a request to identify system support from the client application to the Service Provider; sending a list of all supported systems back to the client application from the Service Provider; selecting a system for configuration; sending a request for selected system version information from the client application to the selected Service Provider; sending back system version information from the selected Service Provider to the client application; sending a request for all supported properties for the selected system from the client application to the Service Provider; sending back a list of all supported properties for the selected system from the Service Provider to the client application; and selecting one or more supported properties for management by the Service Provider.

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Rojas, Michael J North Canton, OH 22 3474

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