Method and system for progressively transmitting a voice message from sender to recipients across a distributed services communication network

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United States of America Patent

PATENT NO 8782274
APP PUB NO 20090104894A1





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The progressive transmission of a voice message from server hop to hop across the network enables one or more recipients to review the voice message in real-time. A synchronization element is provided to synchronize in real-time the stored copies of the voice message at each server. A first server and any intermediate server hops between the first server and the one or more second servers are each configured (i) store a copy of the voice message, (ii) ascertain the next server hop or hops on the network to deliver the voice message from the sender to the one or more second servers and (iii) progressively transmit only a single copy of the voice message to the ascertained next server hop or hops on the network regardless if the voice message is to be delivered to more than one recipient through any of the ascertained next server hop or hops.

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Patent Owner(s)


International Classification(s)


Inventor Name Address # of filed Patents Total Citations
Katis, Thomas E Jackson, US 107 3206
Panttaja, James T Healdsburg, US 105 3347
Panttaja, Mary G Healdsburg, US 104 3148
Ranney, Matthew J Oakland, US 110 3258

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