Body part guidance control method for non-contact biometrics authentication device and non-contact biometrics authentication device

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United States of America Patent

PATENT NO 8270680
APP PUB NO 20090245585A1





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A body part guidance control is performed in a non-contact biometrics authentication device which performs individual authentication utilizing characteristics of a body part which is a portion of a human body, for guiding the body part so as to capture images without contact. The future position at the time of message display is predicted by using body part positions of n times in the past and the guidance message can be selected according to this predicted position to output an appropriate message. Hence the time for guidance into an appropriate image capture region can be shortened, the output of messages for movement in the direction opposite the body part movement can be prevented, and inducement of confusion in the user can be prevented, so that the speed of authentication can be improved.

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Inventor Name Address # of filed Patents Total Citations
Eguchi, Shinichi Inagi, JP 49 578
Komura, Kazuhiro Inagi, JP 4 68
Maeta, Takayuki Inagi, JP 3 44
Manabe, Michitaro Inagi, JP 2 45
Takamatsu, Hiroyuki Inagi, JP 47 497

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