Pressure activated self opening container and seal

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United States of America Patent

PATENT NO 7237698
APP PUB NO 20050155991A1





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A multi layered frangible seal is bonded over the pour spout opening of flexible plastic bottles containing pourable products such as motor oil. The seal provides a leak proof closure that is strong enough to remain intact when the filled uncapped container is held in an inverted position, and at the same weak enough to break open and dispense the contents into a fill opening when a consumer squeezes the inverted container. The seal is constructed from a first layer of leak proof frangible sheet material that is bonded to a second layer of strengthening sheet material. The strengthening layer contains a cut out void configuration that forms a breaking pattern which forces the seal to break open only in the weaker single frangible layered configuration of the cut out void forming the breaking pattern when the container is squeezed.

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Jackman, Brian Francis Hudson, MA 2 25

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