Method and devices of performing a random access procedure between a user equipment, UE, and a radio access network of a telecommunication network

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United States of America Patent

PATENT NO 10412768
APP PUB NO 20180302928A1





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Method of performing a random access procedure between a User Equipment, UE, and a radio access network, wherein two access nodes comprise different sets of signature sequences, wherein said signature sequences are used, by said access nodes, to differentiate requests coming from different UEs, said method comprising the steps of receiving a random access request from said UE, wherein said random access request comprises a signature sequence, determining that said random access request is intended for said first radio access node based on said signature sequence comprised by said request, receiving, from a second access node, said random access request, thereby indicating that said second radio access node has also received said random access request from said UE, and sending a response based on said received random access request from said UE and based on said random access request received from said second radio access node.

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Patent Owner(s)


International Classification(s)


Inventor Name Address # of filed Patents Total Citations
Amirijoo, Mehdi Linköping, SE 46 663
Axén, Rasmus Linköping, SE 43 287
Axelsson, Håkan Linköping, SE 49 1436
Müller, Walter Upplands Väsby, SE 182 2735
Schliwa-Bertling, Paul Ljungsbro, SE 415 2446

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