System, method, program, and integrated circuit for hearing aid

Number of patents in Portfolio can not be more than 2000

United States of America Patent

PATENT NO 8548180
APP PUB NO 20110280424A1





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To provide a hearing aid system (1000) performing dichotic-listening binaural hearing aid processing which improves the clarity of speech and maintains the spatial perception ability. Each of first and second hearing aid devices (1100, 1200) includes a sound pickup unit (1110, 1210) and an output unit (1120, 1220) outputting a sound indicated by a suppressed acoustic signal. The hearing aid system (1000) includes: a first band suppression unit (1300) generating the suppressed acoustic signal indicating the sound outputted from the output unit (1120), by suppressing a signal in a first suppression-target band out of the acoustic signal outputted from the sound pickup unit (1110); and a second band suppression unit (1400) generating the suppressed acoustic signal indicating the sound outputted from the output unit (1220), by suppressing a signal in a second suppression-target band out of the acoustic signal outputted from the sound pickup unit (1210). The suppressed acoustic signals indicating the sounds outputted respectively from the output units (1120, 1220) include, in common, a signal in a non-voice band included in the acoustic signal.

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Inventor Name Address # of filed Patents Total Citations
Ito, Gempo Kanagawa, JP 13 159
Katayama, Takashi Ehime, JP 114 1291
Noguchi, Eiji Osaka, JP 18 203
Takagi, Yoshiaki Kanagawa, JP 42 589

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11.5 Year Payment $7400.00 $3700.00 $1850.00 Apr 1, 2025
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