Energy management system, energy management apparatus, and energy management method

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United States of America Patent

PATENT NO 8560135
APP PUB NO 20110238232A1





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An energy management system includes an equipment data management unit which manages charging/discharging loss of a battery and heat radiation loss of an electric water heater, and causes a control unit to perform control to give priority based on the comparison to the energy storage facility more reducing loss and store energy. The energy management system includes a system operation calculation unit which predicts voltage distribution of the next day of a distribution system or demand-and-supply balance amount of the entire system by state monitoring data of a power system, calculates a demand amount increasing target value necessary for avoiding a photovoltaic power generation amount suppression on a consumer end by the voltage distribution of the next day of the distribution system or the demand-and-supply balance amount, and controls the energy storage facilities so as to satisfy the demand amount increasing target value on the consumer end.

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Inventor Name Address # of filed Patents Total Citations
Ebara, Takafumi Yokohama, JP 6 128
Kawamura, Hideyuki Tokyo, JP 4 60
Kobayashi, Akira Tokyo, JP 188 2822
Otake, Yuichi Kawasaki, JP 3 96
Tomita, Yasushi Mito, JP 34 369
Watanabe, Masahiro Hitachi, JP 566 6987

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