Wireless access point software application for classifying network data packets to improve packet forwarding performance

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United States of America Patent

PATENT NO 11595852
APP PUB NO 20220248270A1





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A wireless access point software application, adapted to be run within a wireless access point, classifies network data packets with classification identifiers provided by RTC/RTE devices without scanning the content of them. The wireless access point software application receives inbound and outbound packet classification identifiers from the RTC/RTE applications running on the RTC/RTE devices. The identifiers are provided to a hardware data packet classifier. The hardware data packet classifier applies the identifiers against ingress packets and egress packets respectively. Data packets of the same class are assigned with a same priority. The prioritized network data packets are scheduled for transmission based on their respective priorities. The scheduled network data packets are forwarded to respective network interfaces for transmission.

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Inventor Name Address # of filed Patents Total Citations
Cao, Yue Shanghai, CN 67 1133

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