Parallelization method, system and program

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United States of America Patent

PATENT NO 8677334





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A computer-implemented method, system, and article of manufacture for parallelizing a code configured by coupling a functional block having an internal state and a functional block without any internal state. The method includes: creating and storing a graphical representation where functional blocks are chosen as nodes and connections between functional blocks are chosen as links; visiting the nodes on the graphical representation sequentially, detecting inputs from functional blocks without any internal state to functional blocks having an internal state and storing these functional blocks as a set of use blocks, and detecting inputs from functional blocks having an internal state to functional blocks without any internal state and storing these functional blocks as a set of definition blocks; and forming strands of functional blocks based on information on the set of use blocks and information on the set of definition blocks stored in association with the functional blocks.

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Inventor Name Address # of filed Patents Total Citations
Canedo, Arquimedes Martinez Kanagawa, JP 28 77
Komatsu, Hideaki Kanagawa, JP 108 1875
Yoshizawa, Takeo Kanagawa, JP 27 358

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