Stabilized common gimbal

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United States of America Patent

PATENT NO 6396235





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A two axis (azimuth and elevation) stabilized common gimbal (SGC) for use on a wide variety of commercial vehicles and military vehicles which are employed in combat situations capable of stabilizing a payload of primary sensors and of mounting a secondary sensor payload that is independent of the moving axes. The SCG employs three gyroscopes, inertial angular rate feedback for providing gimbal control of two axes during slewing and stabilization. In addition the third (roll) gyroscope is used for performing automatic calibration and decoupling procedures. In this regard, the SCG provides an interface for the primary suite of sensors comprising one or more sensors having a common line-of-sight (LOS) and which are stabilized by electronics, actuators, and inertial sensors against vehicle motion in both azimuth and elevation. Remote positioning of the LOS of sensors in the primary suite is also accomplished, with the SCG providing an inertial navigation system (INS) which provides navigation and which detects the LOS for the primary suite of sensors relative to the vehicle. The aforementioned stabilized gimbal employs unique features such as automotive gyro calibration and decoupling algorithm that increases the producibility of the system and the stabilized gimbal has the capability of being remotely controlled via its system serial link where commands may originate from devices such as radio links or target trackers.

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Patent Owner(s)


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Inventor Name Address # of filed Patents Total Citations
Buck, Jr John P St. Louis, MO 2 57
Ellington, Thomas W Alton, IL 2 48
Ellis, Peter M Warson Woods, MO 4 52
Exely, Bruce E St. Louis, MO 6 72
Folmer, Jeffrey S Collinsville, IL 3 42
Lambros, William S Bridgeton, MO 2 119
Linton, Thomas D Lake St. Louis, MO 6 64
Marshall, James R Chesterfield, MO 16 180
Moning, Russell R St. Louis, MO 1 28
Roseman, Kenneth A Chesterfield, MO 1 28

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