Bioinert article and its use

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United States of America Patent

PATENT NO 10047230
APP PUB NO 20160222224A1





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An article, comprising a substrate and a polymer film attached to the substrate is provided, the polymer film comprising a first layer of a first polymer functionalized by a first functionalization compound covalently bound to said first polymer and bearing at least one catecholic group being present on a surface of the first layer. The polymer film is a layered film, a top layer of which is formed by the first layer, the layered film comprising at least one further layer of at least one further polymer functionalized by a further functionalization compound covalently bound to said further polymer and bearing at least one catecholic group being present on a surface of the at least one further layer, wherein an average ratio of catecholic groups per polymer molecule is equal to or less than 1 in case of the first polymer and greater than 1 in case of the further polymer.

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First Claim

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Patent Owner(s)


International Classification(s)


Inventor Name Address # of filed Patents Total Citations
Becherer, Tobias Berlin, DE 1 8
Grunwald, Ingo Lilienthal, DE 9 88
Haag, Rainer Berlin, DE 31 97
Wei, Qiang Berlin, DE 76 353
Weinhart, Marie Berlin, DE 5 9

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7.5 Year Payment $3600.00 $1800.00 $900.00 Feb 14, 2026
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