Managing CDN registration by a storage provider

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United States of America Patent

PATENT NO 8495220
APP PUB NO 20130013788A1





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A system, method, and computer readable medium for managing registration, by a network storage provider, of one or more resources with a CDN service provider are provided. A network storage provider storing one or more resources on behalf of a content provider obtains registration information for registering the one or more resources with a CDN service provider. The registration information may include a request to publish one or more resources to a CDN service provider, an identification of the one or more resources, CDN selection criteria provided by the content provider or otherwise selected, and the like. The network storage provider transmits a CDN generation request corresponding to the registration information to the CDN service provider. Then, the network storage provider manages and processes data pursuant to registration of the one or more resources with the CDN service provider.

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Inventor Name Address # of filed Patents Total Citations
Marshal, Bradley E Bainbridge Island, US 2 117
Richardson, David R Seattle, US 203 24553
Sivasubramanian, Swaminathan Seattle, US 261 19984

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