Method of teaching the scriptures embodied in a board game

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United States of America Patent

PATENT NO 11452932
APP PUB NO 20200129846A1





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A method of teaching a path to salvation according to the New Testament of the King James Version of the Bible is provided. The method is embodied in a board game having a plurality game squares, each game square having a citation from Christian Scriptures. Each of the game squares is organized in one of five sacramental sections associated with the citation. Each sacramental section has a plurality of staggered columns, and each column is formed by the game squares. Players help each other navigate their game pieces through the columned game squares, by answering Scripture-related questions, to reach an uppermost or top portion of the columns of each sacramental section.

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Inventor Name Address # of filed Patents Total Citations
Carlisle, David Jerome Gadsden, US 2 0

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