Low-thickness thermostructural composite material part, and manufacture method

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United States of America Patent

PATENT NO 9309159
APP PUB NO 20120301691A1





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A thermostructural composite material part including carbon or ceramic fiber reinforcement densified by a matrix having at least one thin portion in which: the thickness of the part is less than 2 mm, or indeed less than 1 mm; the fiber reinforcement is made as a single thickness of multilayer fabric made of spread yarns having a weight of not less than 200 tex; the fiber volume ratio lies in the range 25% to 45%; and the ratio between the number of layers of the multilayer fabric and the thickness in millimeters of the part is not less than four.

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Patent Owner(s)


International Classification(s)


Inventor Name Address # of filed Patents Total Citations
Charleux, François Bordeaux, FR 15 42
Coupe, Dominique Le Haillan, FR 54 1007
Philippe, Eric Merignac, FR 52 323

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