Reciprocating floor conveyor for caustic materials

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United States of America Patent

PATENT NO 5301798





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The reciprocating floor conveyor (10) has a floor support frame with crossbeams (28). A plurality of parallel, spaced apart guide beams (46) are secured to the crossbeams (28). Slide bearings (52) are attached to the guide beams (46). A floor slat (50) is slid over the slide bearings (52) and extends substantially the full length of the floor conveyor (10). A floor slat drive assembly (48) reciprocates the floor slats (50) back and forth in such a way that material supported by the floor slats is moved toward one end or the other of the floor slats. Each floor slat (50) has an upper section (82 or 92) that supports material to be conveyed and side bearing surfaces (84 or 94). The bearing surfaces are in constant sealing contact with bearing surfaces on adjacent floor slats. The floor slats (50) are an extruded thermoplastic. The sides of the floor slats (50) can have contoured bearing surfaces (104 and 108) which improve sealing and hold the floor slats in a common plane. The floor slats (50) can also be provided with a tongue (246) which is held in sealing contact with the surface (240) of a groove (236) on an adjacent floor slat by cargo. Laterally adjustable half floor slats (124), at each side of the reciprocating floor conveyor (10), maintain sealing contact between the bearing surfaces (84 or 94).

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Wilkens, Arthur L R.R. 2, Box 46A, Osborne, KS 67473 10 214

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