Method of cleaning soiled bedding material in barns

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United States of America Patent

PATENT NO 7225757





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A method of cleaning bedding sand soiled with animal manure removes the bedding sand from an animal bedding area. An aqueous slurry of the bedding sand is made. The slurry is subjected to cyclonic action so as to separate the sand from the manure. The separated sand is then respread back into the animal bedding area for reuse. The clean bedding sand is free of organic contaminants such as manure, urine and milk. In addition, the bedding sand may contain inorganic contaminants such as clay and silt particles as well as fine particles which are undesirable in a bedding material. Processing the sand removes these inorganic contaminants and fine particles to produce a superior bedding sand for animals.

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Inventor Name Address # of filed Patents Total Citations
Fagan, Paul J Dublin, TX 13 62

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