Apparatus for forming a nanostructured thin film with porosity gradient on an array of sloped outdoor panel surfaces using meniscus drag

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United States of America

PATENT NO 11302830
APP PUB NO 20200206771A1





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A thin-film coating applicator assembly is disclosed for coating substrates in outdoor applications. The innovative thin-film coating applicator assembly is adapted to apply performance enhancement coatings on installed photovoltaic panels and glass windows in outdoor environments. The coating applicator is adapted to move along a solar panel or glass pane while applicator mechanisms deposit a uniform layer of liquid coating solution to the substrate's surface. The applicator assembly comprises a conveyance means disposed on a frame. Further disclosed are innovative applicator heads that comprise a deformable sponge-like core surrounded by a microporous layer. The structure, when in contact with a substrate surface, deposits a uniform layer of coating solution over a large surface.

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Inventor Name Address # of filed Patents Total Citations
deVos, John Arthur Corvallis, US 7 23

Cited Art Landscape

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Forward Cite Landscape

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3.5 Year Payment $1600.00 $800.00 $400.00 Oct 12, 2025
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