Optimal index sequences for multiplex massively parallel sequencing

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United States of America Patent

PATENT NO 11788139
APP PUB NO 20210254154A1





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The disclosed embodiments concern index oligonucleotides configured to identify sources of samples of nucleic acids and methods, apparatus, systems and computer program products for identifying and making the index oligonucleotides. In some implementations, the index oligonucleotides include a set of index sequences, a Hamming distance between any two index sequences of the set of index sequences meeting one or more criteria. System, apparatus, and computer program products are also provided for determining a sequence of interest using the index oligonucleotides.

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Patent Owner(s)


International Classification(s)


Inventor Name Address # of filed Patents Total Citations
Bean, Gordon San Diego, US 4 57
Kelley, Ryan San Diego, US 60 561
Vermaas, Eric San Diego, US 15 799

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