Automatically determining language for speech recognition of spoken utterance received via an automated assistant interface

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United States of America Patent

PATENT NO 11798541
APP PUB NO 20210074280A1





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Determining a language for speech recognition of a spoken utterance received via an automated assistant interface for interacting with an automated assistant. Implementations can enable multilingual interaction with the automated assistant, without necessitating a user explicitly designate a language to be utilized for each interaction. Implementations determine a user profile that corresponds to audio data that captures a spoken utterance, and utilize language(s), and optionally corresponding probabilities, assigned to the user profile in determining a language for speech recognition of the spoken utterance. Some implementations select only a subset of languages, assigned to the user profile, to utilize in speech recognition of a given spoken utterance of the user. Some implementations perform speech recognition in each of multiple languages assigned to the user profile, and utilize criteria to select only one of the speech recognitions as appropriate for generating and providing content that is responsive to the spoken utterance.

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Inventor Name Address # of filed Patents Total Citations
Casado, Diego Melendo Mountain View, US 41 933
Chao, Pu-sen Los Altos, US 22 248
Moreno, Ignacio Lopez New York, US 52 917

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