Locating objects in indoor spaces using radio frequency backscatter tags

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United States of America Patent

PATENT NO 11971473
APP PUB NO 20210231792A1





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A product locating system is provided. The system includes at least one Radio Frequency (RF) backscatter transmitter configured to emit a main carrier RF signal that forms an excitation signal. The system further includes a passive RF backscatter tag associated with a product and configured to generate an Ultra-Wideband (UWB) signal from the excitation signal. The system also includes at least one RF backscatter receiver configured to simultaneously receive both the excitation signal from the at least one RF backscatter transmitter and the UWB signal from the passive RF backscatter tag, and compute the time-difference-of-arrival (TDoA) therebetween. TDoA information from multiple RF backscatter receivers, including the at least one RF backscatter receiver, is aggregated to compute the location of the product to which the passive RF backscatter tag is attached.

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Patent Owner(s)


International Classification(s)


Inventor Name Address # of filed Patents Total Citations
Rangarajan, Sampath Bridgewater, US 238 5433
Sundaresan, Karthikeyan Manalapan, US 89 1072

Cited Art Landscape

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Forward Cite Landscape

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