System and method for automatic plant tissue sampling

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United States of America Patent

PATENT NO 10830671
APP PUB NO 20150316451A1





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An automatic plant tissue sampler and a method for operating the same are provided. The sampler can include a plant handler configured to transport a plurality of plants to an imager. The imager may be configured to image plants to identify a sampling location. The automatic plant tissue sampler also includes a sampler configured to remove a tissue sample from the sampling location of plants, and a collection vessel configured to receive the tissue samples. The automatic plant tissue sampler may transport a plurality of plants to an imager and images the plurality of plants to identify a sampling location. The automatic plant tissue sampler can remove a tissue sample from the sampling location of the plurality of plants and store the tissue samples in a collection vessel for testing.

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Patent Owner(s)


International Classification(s)


Inventor Name Address # of filed Patents Total Citations
Sercel, Patrick Cambridge, US 2 4
Sharpe, Aaron Medford, US 4 87
Shu, Sudong Andover, US 3 8
Wirz, Holger Medford, US 15 145

Cited Art Landscape

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Forward Cite Landscape

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