Process for sugar production

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United States of America Patent

PATENT NO 11339449
APP PUB NO 20200181721A1





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The application relates to methods and systems for producing a sugar product. The method includes: receiving a first input in a control system representative of a pre-treatment sugar composition characteristic; receiving a second input in the control system representative of a post-treatment sugar product target specification; using the control system to determine at least one operating parameter for a centrifuge and operating the centrifuge in accordance with the at least one determined operating parameter, wherein the at least one determined operating parameter is determined from at least: the first input, the second input, and a correlation relating at least the first input and the second input to the at least one operating parameter; and treating the pre-treatment sugar composition in the centrifuge to produce a post-treatment sugar product with a characteristic that is at or nearer to the target specification than the characteristic of the pre-treatment sugar composition.

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Inventor Name Address # of filed Patents Total Citations
Kannar, David Mount Eliza, AU 46 361

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